The effects of raddiation on the optical properties of GERMANIUM SELENIDE semiconductor.

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N. K. Abbas
L.K. Abass
N.B.AI Rawi


Study was made on the optical properties of Ge2oSe8othinfilms prepared by vac-uum evaporation as radiated by (0,34,69) Gy of 13 ray.The optical band gab Eg and tailing band A.Et were studied in the photon energy range ( 1 to 3)eV. The a-Ge20Se8o film was found to be indirect gap with energy gap of (1.965,1.9 , 1.82) eV at radiated by B ray with absorption doses of (0,34,69)Gy respectively.The Ea and AEt of Ge20Se80 films showed adecrease in E8 and an increase in AEt with radiation. This be-havior may be related to structural defects and dangling bonds.

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How to Cite
The effects of raddiation on the optical properties of GERMANIUM SELENIDE semiconductor. . Baghdad Sci.J [Internet]. 2004 Dec. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 20];1(2):326-9. Available from:

How to Cite

The effects of raddiation on the optical properties of GERMANIUM SELENIDE semiconductor. . Baghdad Sci.J [Internet]. 2004 Dec. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 20];1(2):326-9. Available from: