Ethics Approval and Consent Policy
Authors who present Manuscripts reporting studies involving human participants, human data or human tissue are required to read fill the Ethics Approval and Consent.
Authors are responsible for the content and the content in no way represents the views of the publisher.
Authors should declare that the research got the approval from the Medical Research Ethics Committee of the Ministry of Health or Hospital administration in their country.
The author/s are also responsible for the following considerations:
- All the needed information for patients or their parents should be presented by using local and simplified terms for a disease in their common language and invite them to be part of this research.
- The patients have enough time to decide whether or not they will participate in the research.
- Any patient can talk to anyone he/she feels comfortable with about the research, ask researcher or physician or medical staff any question about research work sample, way to gain sample and the purpose of using the sample in the present time or future.
- All authors should guarantee that the submitted manuscript is in accordance with the Ethical approval.