Towards Accurate Pupil Detection Based on Morphology and Hough Transform

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Ebtesam AlShemmary et al.


 Automatic recognition of individuals is very important in modern eras. Biometric techniques have emerged as an answer to the matter of automatic individual recognition. This paper tends to give a technique to detect pupil which is a mixture of easy morphological operations and Hough Transform (HT) is presented in this paper. The circular area of the eye and pupil is divided by the morphological filter as well as the Hough Transform (HT) where the local Iris area has been converted into a rectangular block for the purpose of calculating inconsistencies in the image. This method is implemented and tested on the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA V4) iris image database 249 person and the IIT Delhi (IITD) iris database v1 using MATLAB 2017a. This method has high accuracy in the center and radius finding reaches 97% for 2268 iris on CASIA V4 image and 99.77% for 2240 iris images on IITD, the speed is acceptable compared to the real-time detection speed and stable performance.

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How to Cite
Towards Accurate Pupil Detection Based on Morphology and Hough Transform. Baghdad Sci.J [Internet]. 2020 May 11 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];17(2):0583. Available from:

How to Cite

Towards Accurate Pupil Detection Based on Morphology and Hough Transform. Baghdad Sci.J [Internet]. 2020 May 11 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];17(2):0583. Available from: