Comparing Weibull Stress – Strength Reliability Bayesian Estimators for Singly Type II Censored Data under Different loss Functions

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Awatif Rezoky Mazaal
Nada Sabah Karam
Ghada Sabah Karam


     The stress(Y) – strength(X) model reliability Bayesian estimation which defines life of a component with strength X and stress Y (the component fails if and only if at any time the applied stress is greater than its strength) has been studied, then the reliability; R=P(Y<X), can be considered as a measure of the component performance. In this paper, a Bayesian analysis has been considered for R when the two variables X and Y are independent Weibull random variables with common parameter α in order to study the effect of each of the two different scale parameters β and λ; respectively, using three different [weighted, quadratic and entropy] loss functions under two different prior functions [Gamma and extension of Jeffery] and also an empirical Bayes estimator Using Gamma Prior, for singly type II censored sample. An empirical study has been used to make a comparison between the three estimators of the reliability for stress – strength Weibull model, by mean squared error MSE criteria, taking different sample sizes (small, moderate and large) for the two random variables in eight experiments of different values of their parameters. It has been found that the weighted loss function was the best for small sample size, and the entropy and Quadratic were the best for moderate and large sample sizes under the two prior distributions and for empirical Bayes estimation.

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How to Cite
Comparing Weibull Stress – Strength Reliability Bayesian Estimators for Singly Type II Censored Data under Different loss Functions. Baghdad Sci.J [Internet]. 2021 Jun. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];18(2):0306. Available from:

How to Cite

Comparing Weibull Stress – Strength Reliability Bayesian Estimators for Singly Type II Censored Data under Different loss Functions. Baghdad Sci.J [Internet]. 2021 Jun. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];18(2):0306. Available from:


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