Influence of Cold Plasma on Sesame Paste and the Nano Sesame Paste Based on Co-occurrence Matrix
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The aim of the research is to investigate the effect of cold plasma on the bacteria grown on texture of sesame paste in its normal particle and nano particle size. Starting by using the image segmentation process depending on the threshold method, it is used to get rid of the reflection of the glass slides on which the sesame samples are placed. The classification process implemented to separate the sesame paste texture from normal and abnormal texture. The abnormal texture appears when the bacteria has been grown on the sesame paste after being left for two days in the air, unsupervised k-mean classification process used to classify the infected region, the normal region and the treated region. The bacteria treated with cold plasma, the time exposure is two minutes. The textural features related to gray level co-occurrence matrix are calculated for the normal, abnormal and the treated texture, it is obvious that the treated texture class has the best features compared with the other classes. The result shows the sesame paste treated with plasma has good result compared with nano sesame paste treated with plasma. This is because the plasma provides the sesame paste with heat and makes the sesame nano particle congregate together.
Received 4/9/2020
Accepted 20/4/2021
Published Online First 20/1/2022
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