An Effective Hybrid Deep Neural Network for Arabic Fake News Detection

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Tahseen A. Wotaifi
Ban N. Dhannoon


Recently, the phenomenon of the spread of fake news or misinformation in most fields has taken on a wide resonance in societies. Combating this phenomenon and detecting misleading information manually is rather boring, takes a long time, and impractical. It is therefore necessary to rely on the fields of artificial intelligence to solve this problem. As such, this study aims to use deep learning techniques to detect Arabic fake news based on Arabic dataset called the AraNews dataset. This dataset contains news articles covering multiple fields such as politics, economy, culture, sports and others. A Hybrid Deep Neural Network has been proposed to improve accuracy. This network focuses on the properties of both the Text-Convolution Neural Network (Text-CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) architecture to produce efficient hybrid model. Text-CNN is used to identify the relevant features, whereas the LSTM is applied to deal with the long-term dependency of sequence. The results showed that when trained individually, the proposed model outperformed both the Text-CNN and the LSTM. Accuracy was used as a measure of model quality, whereby the accuracy of the Hybrid Deep Neural Network is (0.914), while the accuracy of both Text-CNN and LSTM is (0.859) and (0.878), respectively. Moreover, the results of our proposed model are better compared to previous work that used the same dataset (AraNews dataset).

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An Effective Hybrid Deep Neural Network for Arabic Fake News Detection . Baghdad Sci.J [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];20(4):1392. Available from:

How to Cite

An Effective Hybrid Deep Neural Network for Arabic Fake News Detection . Baghdad Sci.J [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];20(4):1392. Available from:


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