Using Wild Plant Species Grown in Wadi Al – Tib Region North East of Al – Ammara, Iraq, as Indicators of Heavy Metals Accumulation
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The current study included, studying the ability of eight genera of plants belong to Brassicaceae family, Brassica tournifortii, Cakile Arabica, Capsella bursa – pastoris,Carrichtera annua, Diplotaxis acris, Diplotaxis haru , Eruca sativa and Erucaria hispanica to accumulate ten heavy metals Cadmium, Chromium , Copper, Mercury, Manganese ,Nickel ,Lead ,and Zinc . Plant leaves samples were collected from Al-Tib area during spring of 2021.The data demonstrated that, the highest conc. of Cd was 2.7 mg/kg in Diplotaxis acris leaves and lower value was 0.3 mg/kg in Cakile Arabica leaves. For Co, the highest conc.was 1.3 mg/kg in Capsella bursa – pastoris leaves, whereas the lower value was 0.5 mg/kg in Cakile arabica leaves. As for Cr element, the highest Conc. was 14.7 mg/kg in Capsella bursa – pastoris leaves, and the lower value was 2.7 mg/kg in Diplotaxis acris leaves. The highest conc. of Cu was 100.8 mg/kg in Capsella bursa – pastoris leaves, whereas the lower value was 8.8 mg/kg in Cakile arabica leaves. For Hg element the highest Conc. was 1496.2 mg/kg in Brassica tournifortii leaves, and the lower value was 3.1 mg/kg in Erucaria hispanica leaves. Eruca sativa record the highest Conc. value 95.2 mg/kg for Mn element, whereas the lower value was 28.8 mg/kg in Diplotaxis acris leaves. The highest conc. of Pb was 26.4 mg/kg in Capsella bursa – pastoris leaves, and the lower conc. was 1.5 mg/kg in Cakile Arabica leaves, Whereas the highest Conc. of Ni was 24.2 mg/kg in Capsella bursa – pastoris leaves and the lower conc. was 6.1 mg/kg in Cakile Arabica leaves. According to these results, Brassica tournifortii was more capable of accumulating heavy metals, while Erucaria hispanica was the least compared to the rest plants.
Received 24/5/2022
Revised 4/12/2022
Accepted 6/12/2022
Published Online First 20/5/2023
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