Reasons of Dust Storms Increase in Iraq

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Qusay Ahmad Hamdi


Currently regions in the world are much affected with dust storms, rising and suspended dust, as Iraq is suffering of this state as well within an eye-catching manner, whereas the storms leave negative traces on environment and public health and many of the other vital utilities.
This research aims to diagnosis of the reasons that resulted in increment of dust storms in Iraq basing on some recorded data and to be analyzed in conformity with the prevalent theories and concepts at the atmospheric science and environmental physics.
Generally the study, has illustrated that the climate changes and increase of temperatures averages because of green house effect, that followed by clear changes at thermal wind and jet stream, that caused to instability state and occurrence of an increasingly generated severe loading streams to dust storms.
Thus, violation at the environmental criteria by human plays and important role at the increase of the suspended and rising dust percentages and increasingly via desertification, dryness and soil disassembly and daily fuel by energy means.
Therefore, we conclude from this study as well that dust storms, suspended and rising dust can’t completely be controlled upon the damages, but it is possible to partially control on its spread via solving the problems, connected with human activities and violation with environmental equilibrium.

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How to Cite
Reasons of Dust Storms Increase in Iraq. Baghdad Sci.J [Internet]. 2007 Mar. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 3];4(1):125-32. Available from:

How to Cite

Reasons of Dust Storms Increase in Iraq. Baghdad Sci.J [Internet]. 2007 Mar. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 3];4(1):125-32. Available from: