Synthesis and Characterization of Calcium Oxide Impregnated on Silica from Duck Egg Shells and Rice Husks as Heterogeneous Catalysts for Biodiesel Synthesis

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Haryono Haryono
Safri Ishmayana
Isy Fauziyah


Biodiesel can be prepared from various types of vegetable oils or animal fats with the aid of a catalyst.
Calcium oxide (CaO) is one of the prospective heterogeneous catalysts for biodiesel synthesis. Modification
of CaO by impregnation on silica (SiO2) can improve the performance of CaO as catalyst. Egg shells and rice
husks as biomass waste can be used as raw materials for the preparation of the silica modified CaO catalyst.
The present study was directed to synthesize and characterize CaO impregnated SiO2 catalyst from biomass
waste and apply it as catalyst in biodiesel synthesis. The catalyst was synthesized by wet impregnation
method and characterized by x-ray diffraction, x-ray fluorescence, nitrogen adsorption-desorption, and
basicity density. The activity of the catalyst in biodiesel synthesis was assayed at different molar ratios of
palm oil to methanol ranging from 1:6, 1:9, 1:12 and 1:15. The biodiesel composition was determined by gas
chromatography-mass spectroscopy and the properties of the biodiesel were also characterized. The results
showed that the CaO impregnated SiO2 catalyst was successfully synthesized based on confirmation by XRD
and XRF. The catalyst has a surface area, average pore diameter, total pore volume, and basicity density of
19.38 m2
/g, 3.22 nm, 0.0122 cm3
/g, and 3.4 mmol/g, respectively. The catalyst activity assay indicates that
the molar ratio of palm oil to methanol of 1:12 is the optimum condition for biodiesel synthesis. At this
molar ratio, 81.4% biodiesel yield was achieved, and it met the quality standards according to ASTM D

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How to Cite
Synthesis and Characterization of Calcium Oxide Impregnated on Silica from Duck Egg Shells and Rice Husks as Heterogeneous Catalysts for Biodiesel Synthesis. Baghdad Sci.J [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 3];20(5(Suppl.). Available from:

How to Cite

Synthesis and Characterization of Calcium Oxide Impregnated on Silica from Duck Egg Shells and Rice Husks as Heterogeneous Catalysts for Biodiesel Synthesis. Baghdad Sci.J [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 3];20(5(Suppl.). Available from:


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