On Faintly θ- Semi-Continuous and Faintly δ-Semi-Continuous Functions
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Faintly continuous (FC) functions, entitled faintly S-continuous and faintly δS-continuous functions have been introduced and investigated via a -open and -open sets. Several characterizations and properties of faintly S-continuous and faintly -Continuous functions were obtained. In addition, relationships between faintly s- Continuous and faintly S-continuous function and other forms of FC function were investigated. Also, it is shown that every faintly S-continuous is weakly S-continuous. The Convers is shown to be satisfied only if the co-domain of the function is almost regular.
Received 11/01/2023,
Revised 08/05/2023,
Accepted 10/05/2023,
Published Online First 20/08/2023
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