Enhancing Smart Cities with IoT and Cloud Computing: A Study on Integrating Wireless Ad Hoc Networks for Efficient Communication
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Smart cities have recently undergone a fundamental evolution that has greatly increased their potentials. In reality, recent advances in the Internet of Things (IoT) have created new opportunities by solving a number of critical issues that are allowing innovations for smart cities as well as the creation and computerization of cutting-edge services and applications for the many city partners. In order to further the development of smart cities toward compelling sharing and connection, this study will explore the information innovation in smart cities in light of the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing (CC). IoT data is first collected in the context of smart cities. The data that is gathered is uniform. The Internet of Things, which enables gadgets to connect with one another mostly without human involvement, is made possible by AI. In line with this, The Ad Hoc Routing Function (ARF) AI computation is used for multi-rule simplification, the use of Adaptive Cloud Computing Virtual Machine Asset Allotment Technique (ACC-VMRA) is advised. To confirm its viability, the applied developments of IoT and CC in smart cities is examined and duplicated. The experiment results show that the recommended enhancement calculation is more productive than other currently used methods.
Received 23/07/2023
Revised 29/10/2023
Accepted 31/10/2023
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