Characterization and Enzymatic Evaluation of Ecoenzyme Derived from Fruit and Vegetable Waste: An Effort to Achieve Zero Waste Concept
Ecoenzyme, Enzymatic Activity, Fermentation, Fruit Waste, Vegetable Waste.Abstract
Food waste has accounted for 44% of the total amount of waste produced in Indonesia. From that total, fruits and vegetables waste constitute the main dominant contributors. Production of ecoenzyme has the potential to reduce the environmental waste problem and convert as well the waste into valuable products. This study was employed to characterize and evaluate the enzymatic activity of ecoenzymes produced from the fruit and vegetable waste. The fruits used to produce these ecoenzymes were pineapple, avocado, and orange, while the vegetables-ecoenzymes were generated from lettuce, Chinese cabbage, and broccoli. The ecoenzyme was produced through a fermentation process for up to 3 months with the formulation of the ecoenzyme is molasses, fruit or vegetable waste, and water in a ratio of 1:3:10. Characteristics of the ecoenzyme products were determined by observing the pH, color, odor, and enzymatic activities. The results showed both fruit- and vegetable-ecoenzyme has decreasing acidic pH compared to the initial fermentation, except for avocado-ecoenzyme. The color of ecoenzymes was turned to reddish-brown after 6-12 weeks of fermentations. The sour and fresh smells were detected for ecoenzyme derived from vegetables and fruit, respectively. Enzyme activity assay revealed that all generated ecoenzymes contain protease, amylase, and lipase. The highest enzymatic activity was displayed for avocado-ecoenzyme with protease 0.38 U/mL, amylase activity of 8.30 U/mL, and lipase 3.16 U/mL. The results indicated that the fermentation process from fruit and vegetables was successful. Recycle and reusing natural waste for ecoenzyme productions provide eco-friendly and economical multi-purpose application products.
Received 16/01/2024
Revised 16/07/2024
Accepted 18/07/2024
Published Online First 20/12/2024
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Copyright (c) 2024 Gun Gun Gumilar, Asep Kadarohman, Muhammad Fauzan Fakhrurozi, Nahadi, Florentina Maria Titin Supriyanti, Heli Siti Halimatul Munawaroh

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