Performance Evaluation of Mobility Models over UDP Traffic Pattern for MANET Using NS-2

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Alaa Albu-Salih
Gesoon Al – Abbas


  The current study presents the simulative study and evaluation of MANET mobility models over UDP traffic pattern to determine the effects of this traffic pattern on mobility models in MANET which is implemented in NS-2.35 according to various performance metri (Throughput, AED (Average End-2-end Delay), drop packets, NRL (Normalize Routing Load) and PDF (Packet Delivery Fraction)) with various parameters such as different velocities, different environment areas, different number of nodes,  different traffic rates, different traffic sources, different pause times and different simulation times .  A routing protocol.…was exploited AODV(Adhoc On demand Distance Vector) and RWP (Random Waypoint), GMM (Gauss Markov Model), RPGM (Reference Point Group Model) and MGM (Manhattan Grid Model) mobility models above CBR traffic sources. The results of Reference Point Group Model simulation illuminate that routing protocol performance is best with RPG mobility model than other models.

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How to Cite
Performance Evaluation of Mobility Models over UDP Traffic Pattern for MANET Using NS-2. Baghdad Sci.J [Internet]. 2021 Mar. 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 3];18(1):0175. Available from:

How to Cite

Performance Evaluation of Mobility Models over UDP Traffic Pattern for MANET Using NS-2. Baghdad Sci.J [Internet]. 2021 Mar. 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 3];18(1):0175. Available from:


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