Stopping power and range calculations of protons in human tissues
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In this research, the stopping power and range of protons in biological human soft and hard tissues (blood, brain, skeleton-cortical bone, and skin) of both child and adult are calculated at the energies ranging from 1MeV to 350 MeV. The data is collected from ICRU Report 46 and calculated the stopping power employing the Bethe formula. Moreover, the simple integration (continuous slowing down approximation) method is employed for calculating protons range at the target. Then, the stopping power and range of protons value in human tissues have been compared with the program called SRIM. Moreover, the results of the stopping power vs energy and the range vs energy have been presented graphically. Proper agreement is found between the gained and the SRIM results and varies almost linearly with energy up to 250 MeV.
Received 28/4/2020, Accepted 10/8/2020, Published 1/12/2020
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