COVID-19 Diagnosis System using SimpNet Deep Model
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After the outbreak of COVID-19, immediately it converted from epidemic to pandemic. Radiologic images of CT and X-ray have been widely used to detect COVID-19 disease through observing infrahilar opacity in the lungs. Deep learning has gained popularity in diagnosing many health diseases including COVID-19 and its rapid spreading necessitates the adoption of deep learning in identifying COVID-19 cases. In this study, a deep learning model, based on some principles has been proposed for automatic detection of COVID-19 from X-ray images. The SimpNet architecture has been adopted in our study and trained with X-ray images. The model was evaluated on both binary (COVID-19 and No-findings) classification and multi-class (COVID-19, No-findings, and Pneumonia) classification tasks. Our model has achieved an accuracy value of 98.4% for binary and 93.8% for the multi-class classification. The number of parameters of our model is 11 Million parameters which are fewer than some state-of-the-art methods with achieving higher results.
Received 11/2/2021
Accepted 15/8/2021
Published Online First 20/3/2022
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