A Crime Data Analysis of Prediction Based on Classification Approaches

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Fatima Shaker Hussain
Abbas Fadhil Aljuboori


Crime is considered as an unlawful activity of all kinds and it is punished by law. Crimes have an impact on a society's quality of life and economic development. With a large rise in crime globally, there is a necessity to analyze crime data to bring down the rate of crime. This encourages the police and people to occupy the required measures and more effectively restricting the crimes. The purpose of this research is to develop predictive models that can aid in crime pattern analysis and thus support the Boston department's crime prevention efforts. The geographical location factor has been adopted in our model, and this is due to its being an influential factor in several situations, whether it is traveling to a specific area or living in it to assist people in recognizing between a secured and an unsecured environment.  Geo-location, combined with new approaches and techniques, can be extremely useful in crime investigation. The aim is focused on comparative study between three supervised learning algorithms. Where learning used data sets to train and test it to get desired results on them. Various machine learning algorithms on the dataset of Boston city crime are Decision Tree, Naïve Bayes and Logistic Regression classifiers have been used here to predict the type of crime that happens in the area. The outputs of these methods are compared to each other to find the one model best fits this type of data with the best performance. From the results obtained, the Decision Tree demonstrated the highest result compared to Naïve Bayes and Logistic Regression.

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How to Cite
A Crime Data Analysis of Prediction Based on Classification Approaches. Baghdad Sci.J [Internet]. 2022 Oct. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];19(5):1073. Available from: https://bsj.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/BSJ/article/view/6310

How to Cite

A Crime Data Analysis of Prediction Based on Classification Approaches. Baghdad Sci.J [Internet]. 2022 Oct. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];19(5):1073. Available from: https://bsj.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/BSJ/article/view/6310


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