Analysis of Fuel Burnup and Transmutations at High Burnup of Sodium Fast Breeder Reactor

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Nehal Mohamed
Moustafa Aziz
M. El Ghazaly
Ibrahim Bashter


In this paper, the Monte Carlo N-Particle extended  computer code (MCNP) were used to design a model of the European Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor. The multiplication factor, conversion factor, delayed neutrons fraction, doppler constant, control rod worth, sodium void worth, masses for major heavy nuclei, radial and axial power distribution at high burnup are studied. The results show that the reactor breeds fissile isotopes with a conversion ratio of 0.994 at fuel burnup 70 (GWd/T), and minor actinides are buildup inside the reactor core. The study aims to check the efficiency of the model on the calculation of the neutronic parameters of the core at high burnup.

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How to Cite
Analysis of Fuel Burnup and Transmutations at High Burnup of Sodium Fast Breeder Reactor. Baghdad Sci.J [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 5 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];19(6(Suppl.):1551. Available from:

How to Cite

Analysis of Fuel Burnup and Transmutations at High Burnup of Sodium Fast Breeder Reactor. Baghdad Sci.J [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 5 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];19(6(Suppl.):1551. Available from:


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