Assessing the Activity of Renin and GST in the Serum of Ladies Suffering from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and COVID-19 to Predict the Danger of Cardiac Disease

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Shaimaa Emad Ali
Fayhaa M. Khaleel


The coronavirus-pandemic has a major impact on women's-mental and physical-health. Polycystic-ovary-syndrome (PCOS) has a high-predisposition to many cardiometabolic-risk factors that increase susceptibility to severe complications of COVID-19 and also exhibit an increased likelihood of subfertility. The study includes the extent of the effect of COVID-19-virus on renin-levels, glutathione-s-transferase-activity and other biochemical parameters in PCOS-women. The study included 120 samples of ladies that involved: 80 PCOS-patients, and 40 healthy-ladies. Both main groups were divided into subgroups based on COVID-19 infected or not. Blood-samples were collected from PCOS-patients in Kamal-Al-Samara Hospital, at the period between December until June. Some biochemical parameters were measured for all study-groups, which included: determination of serum renin levels by using the ELISA-technique, GST-activity, lipid-profile.  FBS was assessed manually, and hormones were assessed using VIDAS-analyzer-hormones. The result showed a possible relationship between FBS-levels and renin in PCOS-ladies (Stein-Leventhal-Syndrome), while GST-activity were inversely associated with BMI in PCOS-ladies. Also, it was found that the renin-levels were higher in PCOS-patients groups compared with healthy-groups. On the other hand, the renin levels and Glutathione-S-Transferase-activity were lower in PCOS-patients-infected-with-COVID-19 than female-patients-without-COVID-19. The statistical-data-displayed that the level of renin is associated negatively with glutathione-s-transferase-activity in PCOS-cases. Renin level was higher in PCOS-ladies, this may lead to increase renal-dysfunction and risk of cardiovascular-disease that may be expected in patients. A decrease in the antioxidant-capacity may be because the high number of free-radicals that enter the body by the virus and high levels of renin which lead to a higher risk of PCOS-complication like cardiovascular-disease.

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Assessing the Activity of Renin and GST in the Serum of Ladies Suffering from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and COVID-19 to Predict the Danger of Cardiac Disease. Baghdad Sci.J [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 20 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];20(3(Suppl.):0986. Available from:

How to Cite

Assessing the Activity of Renin and GST in the Serum of Ladies Suffering from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and COVID-19 to Predict the Danger of Cardiac Disease. Baghdad Sci.J [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 20 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];20(3(Suppl.):0986. Available from:


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