Effect of Different Parameters on Powell-Eyring Fluid Peristaltic Flow with the Influence of a Rotation and Heat Transform in an Inclined Asymmetric Channel

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Rana Ghazi Ibraheem
Liqaa Zeki Hummady


In this article, the effect of the rotation variable and other variables on the peristaltic flow of Powell-Eyring fluid in an inclined asymmetric channel with an inclining magnetic field through a porous medium with heat transfer is examined. Long wavelength and low Reynolds number are assumed, where the perturbation approach is used to solve the nonlinear governing equations in the Cartesian coordinate system to produce series solutions. distributions of velocity and pressure gradients are expressed mathematically. Through the collection of figures, the impact of various criteria is explained and graphically represented. These numerical results were attained using the mathematical application MATHEMATICA.

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Effect of Different Parameters on Powell-Eyring Fluid Peristaltic Flow with the Influence of a Rotation and Heat Transform in an Inclined Asymmetric Channel . Baghdad Sci.J [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 25];21(4):1318. Available from: https://bsj.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/BSJ/article/view/8360

How to Cite

Effect of Different Parameters on Powell-Eyring Fluid Peristaltic Flow with the Influence of a Rotation and Heat Transform in an Inclined Asymmetric Channel . Baghdad Sci.J [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 25];21(4):1318. Available from: https://bsj.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/BSJ/article/view/8360


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