Maximizing Reliability in the Age of Complexity: A Novel Optimization Approach
Optimization-based approach, Reliability optimization, System reliability, Component reliabilities, Complex systems.Abstract
Calculating the reliability of complex systems is an urgent matter that deserves attention due to its wide applications, ranging from engineering and economic sciences to applications in medical fields Traditional methods often suffer from computational complexity when dealing with large systems when calculating their reliability. This paper presents a new method to calculate and improve the reliability of highly complex systems. Furthermore, the proposed methodology combines the principles of system reliability analysis and optimization techniques to determine the optimal means for a system that increases reliability. A mathematical optimization approach was employed to undertake the task of improving the reliability of the system without complicating the calculations. By formulating the problem as an optimization task, the reliability of vehicles is optimized to meet specified reliability constraints. The effectiveness of this approach is demonstrated by experimental evaluations on various complex systems, demonstrating significant improvements in system reliability. This new approach was tested on an entire highly complex network of 1,225 vehicles, and the results were very acceptable. Finally, the proposed method was applied and numerical optimization results were obtained using the programming language Python version 3.12.2.
Received 09/10/2023
Revised 19/04/2024
Accepted 21/04/2024
Published Online First 20/10/2024
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmed Hasan Alridha , Fouad Hamza Abd Alsharify , Zahir Al-Khafaji

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