Modification Of Rheological Properties Of Asphalt Effect Of Addition Of Asphaltenes And Oxidized Asphaltenes On The Compatibility Of Asphalt- Sulfur Blends

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Liqaa Idrees Saeed
Imad A AL-Dobuni


This study is a complementary one to an extended series of research work that aims to produce a thermodynamiclly stable asphalt –sulfur blend.
Asphalt was physically modified wiht different percentages of asphaltenes , oxidized asphaltenes and then mixed with sulfur as an attempt to obtaine a stable compatible asphalt-sulfur blend.
The homogeneneity of asphalt-asphaltenes[oxidized asphaltenes]-sulfur blends were studied microscopically and the results are prsented as photomicrographs.
Generally more stable and compatible asphalt-sulfur blends were obtained by this treatment.

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How to Cite
Modification Of Rheological Properties Of Asphalt Effect Of Addition Of Asphaltenes And Oxidized Asphaltenes On The Compatibility Of Asphalt- Sulfur Blends. Baghdad Sci.J [Internet]. 2014 Jun. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 5];11(2):331-4. Available from:

How to Cite

Modification Of Rheological Properties Of Asphalt Effect Of Addition Of Asphaltenes And Oxidized Asphaltenes On The Compatibility Of Asphalt- Sulfur Blends. Baghdad Sci.J [Internet]. 2014 Jun. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 5];11(2):331-4. Available from: