Preparation and characterization of NiONPS sensor Prepared by Different Q-switched Nd: YAG Laser parameter: energy pulse and wavelength
Gas sensor, Pulse Laser Deposition, Nickel Oxide, NO2 gas, Third Harmonic GenerationAbstract
In this research, a thin film of nickel oxide was produced by a Q-switched Nd:YAG fundamental laser and third harmonic generation on the porous silicon substrate at different pulse energies. To explore how laser pulse energy and wavelength affect Nickel Oxide thin film characteristics and are used for gas sensor applications. In this investigation, an Nd: YAG laser beam with a wavelength of 1064 and 355nm, 400 pulses, and a repetition rate of 3 Hz was utilized to deposit NiO on porous silicon substrates. The crystal structure of the deposited films was investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD). The UV-visible spectrum is used to determine the absorption coefficient and optical energy gap, and well as research sensory characteristics. These NiO NPs have a polycrystalline structure and the preferred orientation of <200> for NiO and <100> for PS, according to structural testing. The increase in laser pulse energy correlates favorably with grain size. The optical tests reveal a reduction in wavelength with a rise in the optical energy gap, which is a sign that quantum confinement has formed as an effect of the production of NiO NPs. The impact of temperature variations on the sensitivity, recovery time, and response time of a NO2 gas sensor built from prepared samples was investigated. The maximum sensitivity for NO2 gas at a temperature of 25°C was 134% 190 ppm at 1064 nm and 70% 32 ppm at 355 nm for NiO NPs.
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Received 18/10/2023
Revised 12/03/2024
Accepted 14/03/2024
Published Online First 20/08/2024
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