A Novel Approach to Cexp Average Assignments on Chain Graphs


  • A. Rajesh Kannan Department of Mathematics, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College (Autonomous), Sivakasi - 626 005, Tamil Nadu, India. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7845-7287




Cexp average assignment, Cexp average assignment graph, Chain graphs, Edge labeling, Vertex labeling.



In general, the exponential average of two positive numbers does not have to be an integer. Because of this, the exponential average needs to be an integer that takes into consideration the flooring or ceiling function. It has been defined that graphs can be labeled with an exponential average, where the flooring function or the ceiling function can apply labels to the edges. To establish the exponential average assignment on graphs, consider the edge labels that arise from the ceiling function alone.  The vertex assignment function  and edge assignment function  are called a Cexp average assignment of the graph G with p vertices and q edges if  is injective and is bijective and the corresponding relations are  and is defined by edge label   is   where  and N is the set of all natural numbers. If the graph accepts a Cexp average assignment then it is called a Cexp average assignment graph. The Cexp average assignment of graphs is proposed in this paper, and its characteristics are explored on the cycle, the union of path and cycle, the union of T- graph and cycle, the graph G*, the graph , the graph  and tadpole.


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How to Cite

A Novel Approach to Cexp Average Assignments on Chain Graphs. Baghdad Sci.J [Internet]. [cited 2025 Jan. 26];22(4). Available from: https://bsj.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/BSJ/article/view/11034