A New Algorithm for Finding Initial Basic Feasible Solution of Spherical Fuzzy Transportation Problem with Applications
Initial basic feasible solution, MODI method, Spherical fuzzy sets, Spherical fuzzy transportation problem, Transportation problemAbstract
In operation research, a specific area being analyzed in great depth is the transportation problem (TP). The key objective of this problem is to find the lowest total transportation costs for commodities to meet consumer requirements at destinations incorporating resources acquired at their points of origin. In this work, the spherical fuzzy transportation problem (SFTP) determines the lowest cost of carrying items from origin to destination. Most of the time, accurate data has been used, but these variables are actually inaccurate and ambiguous. According to the literature, several generalizations and expansions of fuzzy sets have been proposed and investigated. One of the most recent innovations in fuzzy sets is the spherical fuzzy sets (SFSs), which characterize not only membership and non-membership degrees but also neutral degrees. In this study, a novel approach is developed to derive the initial basic feasible solution (IBFS) for each of all three forms of the SFTP, and then obtain an optimal answer by applying the modified distribution (MODI) technique. For such frameworks, the proposed approach is illustrated by numerical examples. The conclusion and future scope are given at the end.
Received 26/03/2024
Revised 21/06/2024
Accepted 23/06/2024
Published Online First 20/12/2024
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