Interior Visual Intruders Detection Module Based on Multi-Connect Architecture MCA Associative Memory

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Emad I Abdul Kareem


Most recent studies have focused on using modern intelligent techniques spatially, such as those
developed in the Intruder Detection Module (IDS). Such techniques have been built based on modern
artificial intelligence-based modules. Those modules act like a human brain. Thus, they should have had the
ability to learn and recognize what they had learned. The importance of developing such systems came after
the requests of customers and establishments to preserve their properties and avoid intruders’ damage. This
would be provided by an intelligent module that ensures the correct alarm. Thus, an interior visual intruder
detection module depending on Multi-Connect Architecture Associative Memory (MCA) has been proposed.
Via using the MCA associative memory as a new trend, the proposed module goes through two phases: the
first is the training phase (which is executed once during the module installation process) and the second is
the analysis phase. Both phases will be developed through the use of MCA, each according to its process.
The training phase will take place through the learning phase of MCA, while the analysis phase will take
place through the convergence phase of MCA. The use of MCA increases the efficiency of the training
process for the proposed system by using a minimum number of training images that do not exceed 10
training images of the total number of frames in JPG format. The proposed module has been evaluated using
11,825 images that have been extracted from 11 tested videos. As a result, the module can detect the intruder
with an accuracy ratio in the range of 97%–100%. The average training process time for the training videos
was in the range of 10.2 s to 23.2 s.

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How to Cite
Interior Visual Intruders Detection Module Based on Multi-Connect Architecture MCA Associative Memory. Baghdad Sci.J [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];20(2):0396. Available from:

How to Cite

Interior Visual Intruders Detection Module Based on Multi-Connect Architecture MCA Associative Memory. Baghdad Sci.J [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];20(2):0396. Available from:


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