Integrin Alpha2 and Integrin Beta3 Polymorphisms are Risk Factors for Infertility in Iraqi Infertile Females under In vitro Fertilization Program
HRM, RT-PCR, implantation, ITGA2 gene, ITGB3 Gene, IVF.Abstract
The current study was designed to investigate the impact of the Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP), rs5918 (T>C), of integrin beta 3 genes (ITGB3) and rs1801106 (G>A) of integrin alpha 2 genes ( ITGB3 ) in peripheral blood samples of Iraqi female; 71 infertile females under IVF protocol ( divided into two subgroups, 29 success implantation and 42 failure implantation) and 50 fertile females as control. From March 2021 to August 2021, blood samples were taken from the patients and control groups at Roh al-Hayat center in Baghdad, Iraq. The genotyping of SNPs was carried out by using high-resolution melting real-time polymerase chain reaction (HRM real-time PCR) of the purified genomic DNA obtained from blood samples. The findings demonstrated that fertile females had significantly greater levels of the TT and GG genotypes of rs5918 at ITGB3 and rs1801106 at ITGA2, respectively, than infertile females. that shows the GG genotype functions as a protective factor, while the TC genotype of rs5918 at ITGB3 and AA genotype of rs1801106 at ITGA2 act as risk factors. In conclusion, these SNPs in the ITGA2 and ITGB3 genes may have an influence on the predisposition of a certain group to infertility.
Received 12/12/2022
Revised 03/11/2023
Accepted 05/11/2023
Published Online First 20/09/2024
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