Potential association between the incidence of breast cancer in female Iraqi patients and the rs861539 polymorphism, vitamin D, and antioxidant vitamins
Antioxidants, Breast Cancer, Iron, Vitamin D, XRCC3.Abstract
Breast cancer is the main cause of mortality for females. Variations in DNA repair capacity and consequent hereditary predisposition to certain malignancies may be attributed to polymorphisms in DNA repair genes. There have been few and inconclusive studies on the relationship between blood levels of vitamins and minerals and food and the genesis of breast cancer. We explored correlations between polymorphisms (rs861539) and vitamin D. In addition, the effects of vitamins D, E, C, and iron on breast cancer were examined. The study population consisted of thirty healthy normal persons and sixty breast cancer patients. For the purpose of estimating vitamins (D, E, C), as well as minerals and iron, venous blood was drawn from all samples utilizing standard procedures. The single nucleotide polymorphism (rs861539) were determined by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique. It was discovered that, the mean concentrations of vitamins D, E, and C were lower in female patients compared to healthy controls, but that the serum iron concentration was significantly greater in patients with breast cancer. Also the current study showed a strong correlation between vitamin D, antioxidant vitamins (vitamins A, E, C, and β-carotene), and selenium with breast cancer in the female population of Iraq. Nonetheless, no meaningful correlation was discovered between the polymorphism of rs861539 and the breast cancer risk. Additionally, it implies that increased oxidative stress caused by elevated serum iron levels may increase the risk of breast cancer.
Received 14/12/2024
Revised 12/07/2024
Accepted 14/07/2024
Published Online First 20/12/2024
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