Characterization of the Groundwater within Regional Aquifers and Suitability Assessment for Various Uses and Purposes-Western Iraq

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Bayan Muhie Hussien
Muwafaq Ayesh Rabeea
Husam Naji Mekhlef


Groundwater quality investigation has been carried out in the western part of Iraq (west longitude '40°40). The physicochemical analyses of 64 groundwater samples collected from seven aquifers were used in the determination of groundwater characterization and assessment. The concept of spatial hydrochemical bi-model was prepared for quantitative and qualitative interpretation. Hydrogeochemical data referred that the groundwater is of meteoric origin and has processes responsible for observed brackishness. The geochemical facies of the groundwater reveal that none of the anions and cations pairs exceed 50% and there are practically mixtures of multi-water types (such as Ca–Mg–Cl–HCO3 and Na+K–SO4–Cl water type) as dominant types. The hydrogeochemical evolution indicates that the groundwater is mainly controlled by the leaching and dissolution process of carbonate minerals. Increasing salt content is observed at different static water levels (groundwater flow) confirming mixing cases with multi water sources. Anthropogenic activities do not have a significant alteration in the geochemical nature of groundwater in aquifer systems. Most of the groundwater is classified within the category of C3S1 and C2S1 denoting admissible to good quality of water for irrigation in 67% of the total samples. On the other hand, 33% of samples are classified as bad to very bad. The groundwater of most aquifers has precedence for irrigation, agricultural purposes, animal drinking, and good to fair class for natural preserve activities. While the groundwater of Mullusi and Jeed-Rattga aquifers are suggested for human drinking purposes. Also, the groundwater within the hydrogeologic system can be used in low-pressure boilers, mining, construction industry, and unsafe in high-pressure boilers due to the relatively high total hardness (237 to 1456 mg/l). Corrosively ratio indicates that 83 % of exploited groundwater from boreholes is safe for long transport through metallic pipelines.

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How to Cite
Characterization of the Groundwater within Regional Aquifers and Suitability Assessment for Various Uses and Purposes-Western Iraq. Baghdad Sci.J [Internet]. 2021 Mar. 30 [cited 2024 Oct. 19];18(1(Suppl.):0670. Available from:
Author Biographies

Bayan Muhie Hussien, Department of Environmental Sciences, College of Applied Sciences, University Of Anbar, Iraq

Prof; Bayan Muhie Hussien 

College of Applied Sciences

Department of Ecology

Husam Naji Mekhlef, Center of Desert Studies, University Of Anbar, Iraq

M.A.; Husam Naji Mekhlef 

Center of Desert Studies, University Of Anbar.

How to Cite

Characterization of the Groundwater within Regional Aquifers and Suitability Assessment for Various Uses and Purposes-Western Iraq. Baghdad Sci.J [Internet]. 2021 Mar. 30 [cited 2024 Oct. 19];18(1(Suppl.):0670. Available from:


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